The Lone Ranger: The Letter Bride (1956)
Season 5, Episode 10
The Ranger vs. Racial Bigotry
7 April 2022
The Ranger and Tonto meet their old friend, Chinese laundryman Lee Po. Lee wants nothing more than to be a good American citizen and work for an honest living. He is expecting his mail order bride, Mah Lin Soong, to arrive on the stage. But the town bigots don't want a Chinese living in their town. They kidnap Mah Lin off the stage and hold her to force Lee to leave town.

The Ranger resorts to a disguise as a Swedish watchmaker to smoke out the kidnappers. When he uses his Swedish accent to ask local racist Ed Jones if there's any work in this town, Jones replies, "There's plenty of work for a white man." These villains are both ruthless and ignorant.

Familiar faces John Beradinio, Mickey Simpson, Dennis Moore, Slim Pickens, Tudor Owen, and Joseph Vitale all do an excellent job. Victor Sen Yung and Judy Dan play the betrothed couple.

Claire Carleton plays Jenny, who appears sympathetic to Lee, but who may not be all she seems. Claire had a long career as an attractive but matronly female character. She was married to Fred Sherman, who may be best remembered for his two appearances on The Andy Griffith Show as Fred Goss, the owner of the dry cleaning store in Mayberry. Sadly, Fred suffered a stroke right after finishing his second appearance on TAGS and died soon afterward.

This is an outstanding color episode with a great message for both kids and adults.
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