Torchwood: Random Shoes (2006)
Season 1, Episode 9
Not perfect, but at least Torchwood is getting better
23 March 2022
Random Shoes is probably the best Torchwood episode so far. It's human focused, and actually kind of depressing. The episode focuses on Eugene, and it's pretty sad. A maths genius, who ends up living a pretty empty life, and not living up to his potential. His dad leaves him, and ends up being quite the loser. He ends up having a 3rd perspective on his life, to see that he won't really be remembered, and that his life struggled to add value to everyone around him. He ends up redeeming himself, and so it's quite a comfortable story to witness. Of course, in typical Torchwood fashion, Ianto still has about one line of dialogue, and we're still left pondering what he actually does at Torchwood........

At least this time with Torchwood, they haven't included any god awful CGI. There's no attempts at CGI, and it makes it all the more better to watch, as we don't have to witness some awful contraception on screen. In fact the sci-fi element is this episode is excellent - there's no larger than life, forgettable aliens, sci-fi is instead used to tell a very human story about redemption.

This episode isn't particularly memorable, and doesn't offer much for a rewatch, but nevertheless, it's still a good episode.
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