Why do they all have unnaturally blue eyes!?
22 March 2022
Some of these reenactments are comical. But the actors clearly LOVE these roles and play the heck out of the over-the-top characters. You might find yourself saying, "why doesn't she just... (tell someone, go stay somewhere else, call the cops, etc). I've experienced stalking more than once and it is scary and serious. I was fortunate that my experiences never ended in anyone trying to hurt me, but it could easily have been different. Especially when I was younger. The similarity in all the cases is that they are almost all vulnerable and isolated women- single moms, widows, older women, young women. Not because this population is prone to trusting the wrong man, but because sick people target vulnerable women. But the take-away is that women must teach other women and girls to trust their gut instincts, have a network of other reliable women to turn to, and to always be the driver, be sober, be awake, and be aware of their surroundings. Women must build their own cases and save themselves because the police will not do anything to save you. You must save yourself... and then I noticed that all of the actors and most of the "real victims" have bizarrely bright blue eyes. What's up with that? Oh yeah, the dodgy accents, too.
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