Covers some material people ignore about unwanted kids
21 March 2022
I saw this movie a few times in the 1980s as a child and teen, and it always stuck with me. I think as a kid who didn't really have much family, and that I did not being the best for a child, and now estranged as an adult, I felt a lot of empathy with the characters, and wanted them to be together since they had found 'family' and didn't want to be parted.

This movie shows, not tells, a lot of the issues with the sad fact some kids are just not wanted, some have no relatives after mom and dad die, and some are terrified of strangers taking them against their will to foster or adopt. Kids who've faced more adversity than many adults at such young ages cannot be dismissed from the decision making process about their futures. 'I've lived in more homes than anyone here, seems I have more experience than anyone.' (Paraphrased)

There is no single or perfect solution to kids without homes or families who love them and can care for them, so maybe letting them learn to care for each other is not so crazy, when one is a legal adult graduated out of the system, and able to support them all.

I think this movie is made with a lot of heart, the kids are believable, and so are, sadly, the nosey and controlling adults in the town in which they take refuge after their orphanage escape.
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