Melodramatic and colorful rendition set in Andalucía, Spain, based on the classic story of love and jealousy
16 March 2022
A gorgeous but amoral gypsy , marvellous Rita Hayworth, falls in love for a soldier , ever-so-handsome Glenn Ford , but things go wrong when his superior , Arnold Moss , becomes involved into the twisted affaire. As Carmen is victim and protagonist of a fatalist chain of events , turbulent loves , uncontrollable passions , jealousy and bloodshed. To want her was Torture.. to love her meant death ! A story of beauty and savagery.. love and hate.. splendor and shame...

Made by the same team responsible for the classic noir Gilda , this romantic costume adventure strikes some strong sparks. It is a decent movie , though corny at times, but still entertaining to see sparks fly between Rita as the wonderful vixen and an always angry and jealous Glenn Ford . Rita Hayworth in his extreme splendor plays an immoral gypsy hussy who ruins life of a youg Spanish officer. She looks brilliant and stunning as the tempestuous gypsy , but Ford as a Spanish dragoon is merely wasted . Support cast is pretty good , such as Ron Randell, Víctor Jory, Luther Adler , Margaret Wycherly, Arnold Moss , Trevor Bardette , among others . And Georges Bizet music might have helped a bit, rather than the ordinary soundtrack provided by Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco. Adding a glamorous and picturesque cinematography by William Snyder. The motion picture was professionally directed by Charles Vidor .

There are several versions based on Prospero Merimee tale : First silent retelling Carmen 1915 by Cecil B De Mille with Geraldine Farrar, Pedro de Córdoba, Wallace Reid. The loves of Carmen with Dolores Del Río, Don Alvarado. Carmen 1944 with Vivían Romance , Jean Marais. The Devil made a woman 1959 by Tulio Demicheli with Sara Montiel, German Cobos , Amado Nazzarí. Man, Pride and vengeance 1967 by Luigi Bazzoni with Franco Nero, Tina Aumont, Klaus Kinski. Carmen Jones by Otto Preminger with Harry Belafonte , Dorothy Dandridge . Carmen 1983 by Carlos Sara with Laura del Sol, Antonio Gades .Carmen de Bizet 1984 by Francesco Rosi with Julia Migenes , Placido Domingo, Ruggiero Raimondi . Carmen 2003 by Vicente Aranda with Paz Vega , Leonardo Sbaraglia, Antonio Dechent .
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