"Mama!" Absolute bonkers zombie schlock that still has to be seen to be believed!
28 February 2022
The term "so bad it's good" is one that gets used a lot these days, but I personally feel it really should belong to a special sort of bad movie that is naively unaware or ignorant of its own lousiness, and it has to be entertainingly bad, and have bad acting, bad pacing, bad special effects, and for me 1981's Burial Ground is one movie that definitely lives up to all of that in spades! It's about a horde of zombies that are unleashed after a mad scientist unearths an old stone tablet or something, and they proceed to terrorise a group of jet-setting swingers who had been invited to the old man's sprawling gothic villa, but these are not just your garden variety zombies - They're Italian zombies! A lot of the old zombie splatterfests of the early eighties and beyond were basically all just carbon copies of Romero's classic trilogy, it was zombie movies galore, and some of the most colourful examples came out of the Italian film industry, and Burial Ground, for better or worse, is one of the most bizarre offerings of that whole era! If you're looking for plot you've come to the wrong movie because this is one of the most plotless exercises in celluloid ever to be seen, and the structure is quite meandering and nonsensical, as virtually every scene is just a very tepid zombie onslaught as the slow as molasses zombies, who all wear the exact same silly monk outfit, awkwardly shuffle their way towards the victims as they try to fight back and keep them out and it's the same scene drawn out over and over again... It gets like a fever dream after a while because most of what you're seeing is so very monotonous and weird! It's like they didn't even know how zombies are supposed to work, I mean you ever see a zombie with a pitchfork, or use a battering ram? Burial Ground has you covered! That doesn't mean this fetid pile of zombie dung is totally without a certain tacky charm though, the dubbed performances are so unnatural and hilariously robotic and the spaced out music and goofy nightmare logic that drives the whole thing is so random, and that it's taken so seriously only makes it more unintentionally funny. L do just about like it, I guess, but it sure verges on being intolerably boring a whole lot, and it could have stood to have been a little more creative with its story, as it's got all the prerequisites for a great Italian zombie flick, the over the top gore, the noticeably shabby zombie masks, beautiful naked ladies, but for all that it never quite emerges as a low budget gem or even gets going. My favourite part of the movie and I think a lot of its fans is, is how in order to get around the child actor labour laws the producers opted to use an adult little person named Peter Bark to play a twelve year old boy, a rather freaky looking little person I might add, and it doesn't work for a second, he had a half-man half-child thing going on..but that's what made it so wonderfully strange and hilarious! And also just to make things even weirder, little Michael has an unexplained unhealthy attraction to his mother, and there's one breast scene that you will not soon forget! This is a remarkably terrible film that is somewhat endearing despite its many faults, it's a guilty pleasure if ever there was one.. So if you haven't had the pleasure before and you're in the right mood for some major low budget old school zombie horror movie cheese with a side of hammy robot acting, Burial Ground is the tasty morsel you're looking for, it's very crummy, but I must admit it's fun! You have been warned! X.
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