A Senior Trekker writes......................
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Fifth Season of TNG contains some remarkably strong episodes while continuing to push the boundaries of what could be achieved within an episodic television format. It is notable for the tragic loss of its creator, Gene Roddenberry, who died on 24th October 1991 at the age of 70. His influence upon the positive depiction of humanity and diversity in Science Fiction endures to this day. Senior Trekker continues to score all episodes with a 5.

Not the most popular episode ever made, this delicious piece of nonsense sees Lwaxana Troi disrupt the Enterprise with her forthcoming marriage to a stuffy, senior diplomat whom she has never actually met in person. Majel Barrett is absolutely wonderful as she pours out her heart to the wayward Klingon child, Alexander, and he in turn encourages her to listen to he inner misgivings.

The B story about a threat to the ship involves some sparkly special effects on the bulkheads and a few cut-price glass jars of goo but we are probably much too wrapped up in admiring Mrs Troi's outrageous wigs and gowns and Alexander's mischievous disregard of his father's rules to notice. Guest actors Tony Jay and Patrick Cronin as the straight-laced bridegroom and his sidekick are to be complimented on managing to keep a straight face as the absurdity unfolds.

I see that opinions are very strongly divided on this piece with a number of reviewers getting a bit hot under the collar and giving it the lowest possible score. The only offence that I can see being some occasional breaches of good taste, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Personally, while recovering from a debilitating bout of the Respiratory Infection du Jour, I can't wait to spend some time in the mud baths of the Parallax Colony of Artists and Free Thinkers. Sign me up.
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