A police viewpoint on urban poverty
11 February 2022
Three plainclothes cops have to arrange a drug-busting operation in the crime-ridden working class neighbourhoods of Marseilles. To obtain the required intel they need to give several kilograms of hashish to an informant; unable to use that in the police vault they start seizing drugs from small-time buyers, stashing them at home. The operation is a success but there will be a price to pay.

The film is put together well and the main actors are fantastic. However, it suffers because of its narrative and worldview: while the police claims it wants to help the neighbourhoods' inhabitants and to be their only hope these law-abiding citizens are never seen. Instead, the city is a wholly hostile body where everyone, man or woman, kid or adult, appears to be a pickpocketer, a smuggler or a dealer of some sort, and the only possible approach to policing is that of militarisation to 'break down' these people. Despite going for a realistic and gritty tone this is inevitably two-dimensional and only shares one side of the story. Might be a tough one to swallow depending on your ideas and experiences.
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