Not sure I want to relive the 90's now.
8 January 2022
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "Max Cloud" (NR - 2020 - DVD)

Genre: Fantasy/Martial My Score: 5.4

Cast=6 Acting=4 Plot=4 Ending=4 Story=4 Imagine=7 CGI=6 Pace=6 Fight=7 Stunt=6

Set in the 90's, a girl finds an easter egg and gets sucked into the Max Cloud video game. She must finish the game to get out without losing her one life or getting stuck in the game forever.

"The fate of the universe is once again in the hands of...MAX CLOUD." Ok this was dumb, but I did like how they brought in the glitches from the old 90's games. It reminded me of a low rent Zathura. I was hoping for a 'so bad it's good' quality...but it didn't quite make it off the planet for me. I have often thought of reliving my twenties, but am having second thoughts if that's what it looked like.
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