Sea Hunt: The Aquanettes (1961)
Season 4, Episode 12
"The ship was tossing with trouble -- woman trouble."
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With ratings declining, the fourth season of this series scrapes the bottom of the water barrel. So leave it to writer Stephen Kandel to give us:

1. An inexpensive cast of five: series hero Mike Nelson (played by Lloyd Bridges), and a lady doctor, who train three women for a flight to Venus by giving them underwater tests.

2. Endless clipped narration from tough guy Mike: "She was a hot pilot and a PhD in cybernetics -- one-half pixie; the other half expert rocketeer."

3. A gratuitous catfight between two swimsuit-clad "astronettes." Yeah, that's what they're calling these female astronaut trainees. Not "aquanettes" as in the episode title, but "astronettes." The hero, in swim trunks, breaks up the fight (while the other two ladies do nothing to help; thanks, girls!) and unceremoniously dumps them overboard.

4. The dumbest possible characters and dialogue. When the stereotypical Southern belle flirts with Mike ("Why, what would poor little ol' me do without big strong you-all!"), he turns to the others and says: "Hang on to your Confederate money, gals. The South will rise again."

5. A deathless plot: Brunette has panic attack underwater and is ready to quit; arrogant blonde gives her hell for it; catfight ensues; brunette stupidly goes back in the water alone ("I think she was trying to prove something -- to herself"); tables turn in third act when blonde panics ("Stainless-steel heroine with the nylon hair fell apart like wet cardboard") and brunette saves the day. Everyone learns their lesson and grows as a person. The doc tells the blonde: "Now I have high hopes that you'll relax and turn into a human being."

6. An unusually crafty shark: "This killer must have hunted men before. He kept sizing me up from various angles, considering attack patterns, gradually working his way into position for the deadliest possible pass." Dude, you're projecting; sharks aren't that smart.

All in all, a very funny half-hour drama that will make you cringe every minute on the minute.
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