Gomer Pyle: USMC: The Carriage Waits (1968)
Season 4, Episode 22
Round and Round We Go
1 January 2022
Gomer gets a mysterious big package and he thinks that there might be a live pig inside. His friends think he's crazy. They open it up and it turns out to be a baby buggy. And turns out it was sent by mistake from a local department store. Well, maybe the thing to do is take it back. Sgt. Carter says to just leave it where it is and make the store deal with it. Gomer decides to ignore that advice and take it back. Oh, Gomer! Listen to your sergeant!

When Gomer gets to the store he finds out that it's not going to be easy. It leads to confusion for everybody. Gomer's goofy honesty starts getting people fired. Of course he's too dense to figure that out. He tries a variety of different departments in the store, but everywhere he goes it just leads to more confusion. The store detective thinks he stole it! And they think he's crazy! They suggest he see a psychiatrist!

This is a smartly written episode and very funny. It's about the old adage that no good deed goes unpunished, and the lack of quality service in modern stores.

Quote: "You're sick Pyle, and stubborn too!"
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