Screaming! Gore! Zombies Galore!
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The screaming. So much screaming!!!

I do love this film even if it does drag in parts, because it is otherwise a balls to the wall march of muddy, dusty decomposed zombies with some fully formed still intact eyeballs and extra long paper mache teeth for some reason.

I love it for the infamous Peter Bark and his intentional or perhaps unintentional creepy portrayal of the lead's son.

He is so memorable so chillingly unnerving yet amusing and entertaining.

The actress who played his mother was one of the only legitimate Italian actresses in the film and she does do a great job as her character is allowed to fight back and not just scream.

Other characters are all just background expendable fools that get caught in bear traps, trip and fall over nothing or scream their lungs out until the chandeliers seem about to implode.

I give this film 7 stars because there are a few things that detract from the overall enjoyment I get out of this film. First the pacing is a bit off which is typical of Italian horror, but this one has frustratingly slow moments where a woman or a man could just run around a zombie but instead they just press their backs against the wall and scream.

Secondly, the makeups are fun, but not "realistic" or fully realized for each zombie. For amazing zombie makeups watch Fulci's superior 79 film Zombi 2.

The door and zombie slime and blood from the victims is pretty well done though, with my favorite kill having something to do with a maid sticking her head out a window...and losing said head. Also of note, are the zombies set on fire which apparently nearly caused someone grave injury before the director would turn off the cameras and put out the flames. Also, in the gore department, the infamous, ultra disturbing incestuous kill at the end is not to be missed!

Lastly, the music is another thing that detracts from the enjoyment of this film, it's pretty overbearing a majority of the time with the women's screams being mixed equally or higher and screaming is pretty much non-stop. Therefore you have a headache inducing musical score and screamathon soundtrack going on at the same time for nearly all of its run time.

Otherwise this is one heck of a great time and a good film to have crack open some beers and watch with friends.

Buried Alive aka Nights of Terror is a film I am happy to own and revisit from time to time but it is not a classic like Dawn of the Dead or Zombi 2; though it would be if it had just a little less incessant screaming and a greater attention to the makeups, though in all reality that lends to its charm and a certain iconic look for this specific film.

Not recommended for those that are not horror aficionados, nor those who have not been exposed to Italian horror before.

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