good GRIEF.....
25 December 2021
Season 2 should be renamed "1,000 reason why Trump is Satan, and once in a while, Nixon, too" I can handle an objective and journalistic approach to the facts, even if it shines an unfavorable light on something I feel otherwise about.

But this?

This is utter partisan nonsense on a grandiose scale.

Also, now that we're nearly into 2022, this has NOT aged well.

Say what you want about Trump, but look at how fast this country (and the world in general) has gone down the crapper since he left office...... I couldn't even finish the first episode, and I really WANTED to.

Production value etc. Is all top notch but this just makes all democrats look like utter fools, and to be honest, making something like this? - they deserve it.

Grow up.
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