It most certainly WAS an insurrection
14 November 2021
Fantastic documentary showing what happened on January 6th from the ground. And I suppose in an effort to get all sides, the filmmakers had to speak to everyone involved including Proud Bois and Cowboys for Trump, whatever that is. The thing about these people that really bothers me, other than the obvious, is that they kept calling themselves "patriots." I don't think that word means what they think it means. In addition to that, "Whose house? Our house!" referring to the United States Capitol, fondly referred to as The People's House, doesn't mean that you have an inalienable right to ransack it when you feel like it.

I have never watched a documentary -- nd I've watched A LOT of documentaries -- where a good number of the participants were liars, but this is what we have here with the insurrectionists that appeared on camera. Everything is very matter-of-fact with them as if they're recalling the time they took an SAT test together, or met up to try to perpetrate a coup on the United States because Donald Trump, a failed reality TV star, and failed, twice-impeached president, says to.

As I started with, this is a fantastic documentary of that day, and I wish I could say I enjoyed watching it, but, as with every time I see footage of January 6th, all I thought most of the time was what wild animals they all were. Certainly NOT patriots of any kind I've ever heard of. In a democracy, which we'd like to keep, thanks!, the form of protest that you get is approval or disapproval of candidates is at the ballot box, not violence, not insurrection, not sedition. Of course, if you're one of the minority of people that don't like democracy, feel free to move out and go start your own dictatorial utopia with Trump as your Messiah. Maybe they'll make another documentary about that too!
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