Never Weaken (1921)
Harold Lloyd's last short film
26 October 2021
His final short film was released two months earlier, in October 1921's "Never Weaken." The movie was one of just a handful of 'thrill' comedies Lloyd appeared in. These so-called 'thrill films' saw the comedian high up, mostly on buildings. He's seen here trying to negotiate a skyscraper's skeleton I-beams above its construction site.

Lloyd had a secret trick to make it look like he was several stories above ground with the dizzy, nosebleed background scaring the bravest of movie goers. He finds himself seemingly being rejected by his fiancee, Mildred Davies, and looks to end it all. When he awakes from his office chair, Lloyd finds himself high on the construction site. The 'thrill' of seeing him go through death-defying gyrations, balancing precariously on the girders, feats Lloyd claimed he did all by himself, was unique at the time of "Never Weakens'" production. It was only when Lloyd passed away in real life that pioneering stuntman Harry Parry revealed he performed several of the more dangerous stunts seen in his films. But that revelation shouldn't take away the athleticism the comedian displayed during his 'thrill' productions.
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