21 October 2021
It probably should be no surprise that there are a number of 1/10 ratings here on the IMDB. After all the Trump lovers and believers that the election was stolen continue to this day to buy into the lie perpetrated by Trump and his minions watch these shows as well and they will happily label the documentary itself as a lie.

Instead what we watched was stunning in its showing how a mob, and one can describe them as no more than that, tried to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021. Trump was clearly promoting the violence through his encouragement to "stop the steal".

This is a gripping film shot from hand held cams, cell phones and police cameras. There is no denying the violence that occurred. It was there, in your face, bold, riveting. This is not made up. Yes it is difficult working in interviews as clearly those being interviewed are going to be discussing their point of view or experience. Those that firmly believe about the steal and continue to this day were naturally not included in the interviews although there were some.

A reminder that history does not necessarily repeat but it can rhyme. In 1923 there was the famous Beer Hall Putsch in Munich led by Hitler to try and overthrow the government. It failed and Hitler and others did spend time in jail. That didn't stop them and 10 years later they were in complete power via the ballot box. In 1905 there was a revolt in Russia viciously put down. But again they reorganized and 12 years later they successfully overthrew the Czarist government in the October revolution.

One should never be complacent. These people will no doubt be back and the next time they may succeed thus triggering a civil war. Something that did not happen in 1933. A civil war did follow in Russia but the Czarist forces eventually lost to the Bolsheviks but at the expense of millions killed, injured or displaced. In 1861-1865 the US civil war had upwards of 800 thousand killed. Today that would translate into 6-10 million, a country destroyed and millions displaced.
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