Paranormal Survivor (2015– )
One of the better Travel Channel horror-documentaries/reality-TV
19 October 2021
One of the better Canadian/Travel Channel productions of its genre. It has better production values that so many similar ones whose idea starts out great (Haunted Hospitals, These Woods are Haunted) but fizzle out fast and disappoint with their repeat blurry Bigfoot nonsense. Warning: there are many of these shows that have actors playing interviewed victims and you can painfully spot them, usually, by talking in the same monotone voice (prevalent in Extreme Paranormal Witness). These victims actually sound like they're speaking their own truth.

This one is more interesting, there is more footage of what we want: the scary entities; it's not gross (mostly: they do show close-up on amke-up wounds of demon "trinity" scratches), it sets a lot of mood and atmosphere. We see the people (actors reenactment) recreating the fear, it really sets the pace. I wouldn't call it fast paced, but this production doesn't waste reel unlike the others, where they show you teens in woods talking for 30 min out of the 20 min the segment lasts. Their paranormal experts are pretty respectable and decent (Linda Quirino, Michelle Desrochers don't remember the men's names but the guy in Tormented by Shadows who wisely advises to talk to the spirits with respect etc.) and actually have something intelligent-sounding to say rather than the (way too many) "experts" on PCOC who have nothing intelligent to say, are obviously making up stuff as they go along just to fill up time and get a paycheck, and are actually paid to make up nonsense and even smirk at the fast ones they pull on you (Rachel Evans) or tell you "it's actually happened to me" (Susan Slaughter).

The experts here actually have experience with the paranormal from years of helping others and sound like they know what they're talking about, because they do. (If you've ever had such an experience, you'll understand and will be quick to weed out the fakes from the sincere ones.) This is more like an 8/10, it has room for improvement, but let's raise the numbers a little here, especially when compared with the rest.
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