16 October 2021
I saw him naked in the first minute so why would I need to watch the rest of the film?

There were a few elements that were okay about this film, but lots that were not, especially everything about Marc Warren's character. He was vile and obnoxious and the type of person I avoid having in my life and not enjoyable to watch on screen either.

I watch a lot of films and it's getting frustrating that there are so many of these films that are so hedonistic. They're never about an accountant and a librarian (Stereotypically unhedonistic, but not always dull) who just want to have sex all over the place without the use of drugs or alcohol or even music. I want to see everyday people succumb to lust. It's so much more unexpected.

I don't get drug culture as a whole and the violence is disgusting.

It's like the producers make these films because they can, in an attempt to shock us and prove that they can get away with full frontal nudity (which I'm fine with) and pushing the censors boundaries.

As a writer and actor on Universal Credits I could appreciate the point being made about creatives and the job centre, however small. There's nothing in place for us. How can I get my book published so I no longer need the governments support if I've got to try and find a job that doesn't work for me, just because they want me off their books to reach their targets? It's even worse with an underlying mental health issue. They need to find ways to help us achieve our goals, so that the jobs can go to other people who actually want them.

That was the only part about the film that seemed to be making a point really. The rest was just smut for the sake of it. I would have turned it off at numerous times, mostly when Marc Warren was on screen, but I wanted to see what point it was trying to make. Sadly it really didn't.

A poor man's 'Trainspotting' (1996) or 'Shame' (2011).

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