Review of Kin

Kin (2021– )
First Season Was Ok, Second Meanders Into Melodrama
7 October 2021
While first season had some good moments despite many completely ridiculously silly decisions and plot holes every where, it did deliver some entertainment. The writers obviously had zero knowledge or experience with the genre, I doubt they ever saw The Wire or Sopranos or if the had, they did not take notes. Average barely ok.

But second season goes completely off balance, mostly just relationship melodrama, everyone instantly become sheep, the gang/criminal story doesnt move anywhere or barely and it is all force drama. Unlike Sopranos where family life and criminal activity were in nice equilibrium.

Each season getting worse, and the first one was not good anyway, while also losing story pace, not evolving any story elements, all that is happening is almost getting to a point of an add for help line for teenagers abused and/or bullies. Simply ridiculous.

Bring back the core of the show, bring back charismatic characters that dare do stuff, bring back action and story events each episode.

Otherwise just cancel it already.
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