Killer Twin (2018 TV Movie)
I like this movie. It's one of the better twin stories on Lifetime
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But as other contributors note, there are problems. So many good ideas in the other reviews, and I love the idea of Amber being more calculating in her takeover of Kendra's life. But at the same time, based on their childhood flashbacks, she was true to form. I liked that Kendra's parents had no idea she was a twin and acknowledged that had they known, they would have adopted both. It takes a lot of the wind out of Amber's motivations to get back at her sister. But at the same time, Kendra never tells her mom (who she is clearly close to) that she had a twin? This woman is in her 30s and it never came up? None of the adoption papers accidentally mention a sibling when referencing the birth parents? I guess since they were three, it's possible Kendra had very few memories of Amber but surely she would have known the name "Amber" by three years old.

It's always amusing when the "twins" played by one actor/actress have the exact same hair. Since she already broke into the house, yes stealing a blouse here, a pair of heels there, taking Kendra's favorite lipstick, etc. Would have worked better than wholesale stealing packages. Kendra could have felt like she was losing her mind with little, subtle things happening. But everything Amber did was an escalation so there was really no way her scheme would have worked out because Kendra and Dane were aware something was going on. The police were involved the whole movie. She was nothing like Kendra although the movie made it seem like it was easy enough to pass. I really hated that she killed the bff bc had she been a thinker, she could have pulled a fast one on Monica and kept up her charade. But that, even more than the bank thing, ruined her chances of succeeding. Not to mention almost hitting Mom with the car. I know that there has to be a way to distinguish the two but she was too impulsive and out of control. It would have been better for her plan to seem more long-term. Plus it shows more depth when the difference btwn the twins isn't as simple as evil/not evil. See Bridget and Siobhan from Ringer for example.

Dane and Kendra were a cute couple. This is like truly one of the rare examples of a spouse realizing the twin is not their spouse before things go too far. Related to that, and it's a spoiler, but come on, you saw it coming: I am very glad that it was clear which twin was in jail and which was not. Another twist could have been Amber NOT being a murderer and maybe just doing identity theft. That might have been something that Kendra could forgive over time and Amber would come to realize her sister is not her enemy. They reconnect as sisters and then the movie could end. Lifetime could have done either a final shot of both twins maybe saying something that the same time (so the audience can see the two of them together without Amber being murderous) OR a final shot on Amber where we're guessing whether or not she really changed. The ending was fine and the right one, but just having fun w/scenarios.

The movie is fairly well done. They weave the flashbacks to Kendra and Amber's childhood at the orphanage pretty well. I still think three years old is potentially old enough to realize they have a sibling but it's a movie I guess. Lindsay does a good job with the story, dual roles, and I'm sure she pulled from her soap opera background. Killing Kendra's best friend made it not fun however l. Nevertheless, as I always note, you can tell when Lifetime tries a little harder and this is one of their best good/bad twin movies. Without some of the simple plotholes, this could have easily been a 7 or 8/10. I've watched it several times so I can recommend at least one watch. It's from 2018, but it holds up.
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