Space: 1999: A Matter of Balance (1976)
Season 2, Episode 15
Set cheesy level to Maximum!
21 September 2021
Oh yeah, this episode has it all! A putative teenager who's smitten with Moonbase Alpha super stud Tony (Lynne Frederick was 22 when she appeared but doesn't come across as an authentic teenager). Villain dressed like Captain Underpants. Alien sets and costumes that manage to make "Land of the Lost" appear big budget.

But enough with the negativity. As always, and even during season 2, S1999 had uncanny prescience about futuristic time vampires. To wit:

  • Maya uses what appears to be an iOS or Android device to record a video inside the alien temple.

  • Tony maintains his unhealthy obsession with home brewing. I'm becoming concerned he's concealing a drinking problem under the guise of a quaint hobby and periodic comic foil.

They take 2 Eagles to the alien planet. Eh, better than nothing but left me clamoring for more.
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