Routine but spectacular frontier Western in low budget with thrills , betrayal , emotion and Indian attacks
14 September 2021
¨When the Redskins Rode¨ is an ordinary and tolerable Indian Western , a run-of-the-mill yarn with usual confrontation between French troopers and Britsh army with Indian tribes supporting both sides . By the time of the conflict, the boundaries between British and French colonial possessions in America were not well defined. The Seven Years' War broke out between 1754 and 1755 when the British attacked French-claimed positions in North America and captured a significant number of French merchant ships. However, the large-scale conflict that mobilized most of the European powers centered on the Austrian ambition to regain Silesia, lost to Prussia during the War of the Austrian Succession. The Seven Years' War was characterized in Europe by the siege and burning of towns, as well as by battles in the open with the massive loss of human lives. The conflict was a historic milestone whose devastating economic consequences on the European powers would eventually trigger the American Revolution in 1765, the French Revolution in 1789, the Haitian Revolution in 1791, as well as the rest of the revolutions and insurrections that culminated in the process. Of decolonization of the American continent in the XIX century. The film is set in 1753, Col. George Washington (James Seay) and frontiersman Christopher Gist (John Ridgely) are proudly introducing their protégé, Delaware Indian Prince Hannoc (John Hall) to Williamsburg, Virginia society. French spy Elizabeth Leeds (Mary Castle ) and her lover (John Dehner) plot a scheme against Hannoc (John Hall) , hoping to swing the Delawares to the French side in the impending colonial war. Things go wrong when Hannoc's father, Chief Delaware Shingiss (Pedro de Cordoba) comes to Williamsburg to sign a mutual defense pact with the British ruled by King George III that are allied along with the Mohicans , while the Wyandat and Huron tribes support the French army under kingdom Louis XV . Our protagonists must pass through a dangerous territory surrounded by hostile enemies until Fort Boeuf . Along the way, Hannoc falls in love for two beauties , the traitor Elizabeth Leeds (Mary Castle) and Indian maiden Morna (Sherry Moreland) and with Washington and his troops besieged at Fort Necessity. Untold Excitement and Tumultous Adventures...on the warpath in SUPERcineCOLOR!

The film packs thrills , fights , noisy action , crossfire , Indian charges , including natives habits with their rites and ceremonies and being entertaining enough .Moving and action-packed Western with a simple , standard story that engages the viewer until the last scene at Fort Necessity when Indians comes to the rescue . It's a medium-short budget film with comfortable actors , technicians , functional production values and passable results . Being freely based on historical events . Stars the handsome John Hall as the Indian chief Hannoc who saves Washington and his men from a French trap during a peace mission while unmasking a spy just as war breaks out . And appearance by some legendary roles as George Washington himself well played by James Seay and Delaware chief played by Pedro de Cordoba .

It contains an atmospheric and adequate musical score , as well as faded and tarnished cinematography by Lester White with a very bad print , being utterly necessary a perfect remastering . Produced in low budget by Sam Katzman , due to a combination of intelligent marketing and the fact that he ground out films so quickly and cheaply that he could cash in on a fad before it faded away, Katzman's movies seldom if ever lost money , and taking a lot of stock-footage here and there . At first he started producing action/adventure serials , where he got the nickname "Jungle Sam" , Katzman's output encompassed virtually every genre imaginable. In the 1930s he turned out Tim McCoy westerns for Puritan and Victory, the next decade he was grinding out the East Side Kids series at Monogram, the 1950s saw him making sci-fi opuses and teenage musicals for Columbia and in the 1960s he was cranking out hippie/biker films for AIP and Elvis Presley musicals for MGM. The motion picture was professionally directed by Lew Landers , rivaling Sam Newfield and William Beaudine as one of the American film industry's most prolific directors, The Raven was his first feature made under his real name . Landers galloped his way around 130 films , called quickfire and almost none of them exceeding 80 minutes , they have nearly all vanished into the mists of time now, exception for his cult movie : The Raven (1935)
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