I am deeply curious how this ever got made.
2 September 2021
I'd have given this 2 stars as if very drunk or 14 years old, you might enjoy it in a "so bad it's good" way but I knocked a star off for being so sexist. No, not the scanty costumes, the way every male character in this show is either evil, stupid, or both. And every female character is super-competent and good. Oh, and lines about "on every planet, it is the women who step forward to sacrifice themselves". Must be news to all the dead allied soldiers littering the battlefields of WWII.

Anyway, gross misandry aside, I would love, love, love to know how this film got made. I mean, the guy playing the main baddy is actually someone I recognize from mainstream films. He's a decent actor. So what's going on here? Did he do it as a favour to a niece or something? Sexual favours? I reckon the budget for this thing is around $2000 (feeding twenty people for the two days they must have spent filming this adds up). I particularly like how every time the main villain stops to communicate with his ship on his wanderings, it's the SAME tree stump he is sitting on.

No really, anyone who knows how this got made please reply - did someone promise their daughter they could be in a movie? Was it someone's highschool project? Or just the director's way of meeting some attractive women and getting them to walk around in tight outfits?

Still, it will probably make a profit if even one person buys the DVD.
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