Review of Pappa pia

Pappa pia (2017)
A mixture of anger, disbelief, and second hand embarrassment.
9 August 2021
Yes, please do waste taxpayers' money on producing a pile of celluloid waste that would have been unbearably embarrassing for everyone even 20 years ago! Go ahead and pollute our culture further with such filth, you haven't managed to kick people's good taste deep enough yet after all! An unimaginative, clichéd, badly acted, pile of nonsense built from stolen songs, abysmal dance choreography and infantile "jokes". I wanna congratulate everyone who contributed to the creation of this audiovisual monstrocity! Well done, people! Art at its finest! Entertainment multiplied by infinity! Seriously, pat each other on the shoulder, give yourself a big warm hug, because you will never ever get any recognition from anyone else...
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