A Zombie Film Best Left Alone
13 July 2021
This film takes place after a biological war has brought on a zombie apocalypse with one specific military outpost in West Texas-commanded by a man named "Hooch" (Mikal Vega)--facing not just the undead but also an anti-government militia known as the "Desert Rats" waging war upon them as well. To further add to his concerns, the militia leader causing him the bulk of his problems is-his own brother. Yet despite constant raids on his supplies and an increase zombie presence in his sector Hooch continues to do his job the best that he can. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this particular film suffered from a number of flaws beginning with two people giving certain narratives with the lead female "Dr. Corsini" (Melissa Mars) being especially difficult to understand at times. Along with that the director (A. K. Waters) kept showcasing the same type of action scenes over and over again which tended to get quite tedious very quickly. Not only that, but he also apparently had no knowledge of basic combat tactics either as he discarded the use of cover and concealment and chose to feature people standing in the open firing at will against equally armed opponents. To further cloud the issue, no reason was given for why the anti-government militia was waging war against this particular outpost in this specific area. Not that it really mattered as it wouldn't have helped this particular film anyway. Throw in some poor scripts and bad acting and this is probably one of those zombie movies that is best left alone.
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