Beyond Terror (1980)
Beyond awful.
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A desperate middle-aged man picks up a rough looking young woman for a spot of al fresco slap and tickle; he gets a knife in his gut for his troubles. The woman, Lola (Raquel Ramírez), is a member of a brutal biker gang who have no qualms about using extreme violence to line their pockets. During a hold-up at a diner, the gang take a wealthy couple hostage and, after shooting the other patrons and staff in cold blood, escape in a car. An altercation between kidnapper and prisoner results in a crash, leaving the group to head out on foot, eventually arriving at a remote house. After killing a guard dog, they enter the house, beat the elderly woman who lives there, steal any valuables and set fire to the place, killing the old lady and a young boy (her grandson?) in the process. What they don't realise is that the old lady is in league with Satan, and death won't stop her from taking revenge.

'Things that can't be explained are happening', says Lola as the gang begin to experience strange occurrences in the old derelict church where they hide out. That's one hell of an understatement: for the latter half of Spanish biker/horror Beyond Terror, director Tomás Aznar delivers one inexplicable scene after another with not a care in the world for logic or narrative cohesion. The silly supernatural shenanigans certainly come as a bit of a surprise (and a massive let down) after the gritty mean-spirited realism of the opening scenes. The 'happenings that can't be explained' include a dog and a boy appearing and disappearing, male hostage Jorge being burnt to to a crisp in an exploding car, visitations from the dead, green goop and foam dripping from a ceiling, and some ancient mummies coming back from the dead to attack those who try to steal their treasure (the priceless crowns of the Visigoths!). None of this is particularly well-handled, with zero suspense or tension, and a dreary pace; worse still, it is virtually gore-less, at least until the very end when Nico is left with an eyeball hanging out and Lola's head erupts in a welter of blood and brain matter.

3/10. The gang's sadistic crime spree is reasonably entertaining, but the rest of the film is much less so, the only other memorable moments being the messy exploding head gag and an occasional spot of sleaze: hostage Linda (Alexia Loreto) and gang leader Chema (Francisco Sánchez Grajera) have sex in the church while biker Nico chokes the chicken in front of a nonchalant Lola, and Lola shoots up Nico with heroin before giving him head.
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