29 June 2021
Ten stars for Ochmann.

Ochmann somehow makes you like a villain/monster. The expressions on Ochmann's face, his cockiness, body language and sarcasm are spectacular. I don't understand all the Mexican-Colombian lingo, but some of the things he says are funny. I find myself laughing every time he laughs. Go figure. He makes it worth watching if you can bare all the Illuminati garbage, signs, colors, references, rituals and hand gestures. The character "tijeras" is also funny.

I found season two barbaric; animal body parts used as lamps and trinkets. By season three, I was nauseated by the constant use of black and white color scheme, all the hexagrams, squares and triangles. Episode 89, Amaya is wearing a black shirt with what appears to be the head of a goat embellished/embroidered in white. So disappointing he partakes in this mentality, and depiction of ranchero attire ruined and disgraced. If you enjoy threesomes and women used as seductresses, this season is full of that.

It's unfortunate viewers don't get to see the beauty, architecture and antiquity of this country or any others used during production.
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