The Nesting (1981)
Ridiculous storyline does not make for a good horror experience...
20 June 2021
I stumbled upon the 1981 horror mystery "The Nesting" in 2021. And it was a movie that I had never even heard about before, but as I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it, of course I did. It is a horror movie after all.

And the term horror might be stretching it a bit far for "The Nesting", as there was nothing scary about the movie. I doubt that even back in the day of 1981 that this movie was particularly frightening.

The storyline is pretty pointless, and seems mostly rather random, as if writers Daria Price and Armand Weston were just making it up as they went along filming the project. Sure there is continuity to the story, but the contents are just not particularly interesting, and it felt like a random mixing of two different movies put together to make "The Nesting".

It was just hard to find a single focal point to the storyline, as the two writers take it in many, many different directions, attempting to accomplish a lot with different elements, but failing collectively to do so.

The characters in the storyline were flaccid and boring, to be bluntly honest. The main character Lauren Cochran - played by Robin Groves - is rather annoying and seems to be all over the place and screaming over little things.

For a horror movie then "The Nesting" was a swing and a miss. This movie is definitely not a movie that I would recommend any horror fans rush out to get their ghoulish claws on. Even for a 1980s horror movie this was pretty flaccid.

My rating of director Armand Weston's "The Nesting" settles on a mere three out of ten stars.
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