Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Uncle (2006)
Season 8, Episode 4
Extended families
17 June 2021
A vast majority of episodes of the whole 'Law and Order' franchise have at least one interest point. In "Uncle's" case, its biggest interest point was seeing Jerry Lewis, known best for comedy and his partnership with Dean Martin, in a rare dramatic role and a dramatic role that was against type. Those that like Munch and didn't like how underused he was for a while during this period will be happy to know that there is more of him here and we learn more about him as well.

"Uncle" is to me a very good episode and one that has grown on me over-time. Very like in the way that Dani Beck, a polarising 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' character and often heavily criticised, has grown on me. Didn't care for her for a while and "Uncle" was an episode where the most memorable things were Lewis, Munch's character development and a scene that has never done it for me and still doesn't. Like "Recall", though not as good as that, "Uncle" should not automatically be dismissed, actually don't think any of the Stabler and Beck episodes should.

Will start with the not so good things. Its weak link being that scene that has never done it for me and this opinion is probably not going to go down well, that being the subway scene. To me that has always lacked tension, felt too easy and been too unintentionally silly in staging, the death that occurs in that scene is very goofy and oddly shot/edited.

Regarding Andrew as a character, he could have been written more consistently. Being far more interesting and hard hitting in his homeless state and easier to feel sympathy towards him.

However, a lot about "Uncle" works. Lewis' performance is truly admirable and often moving, especially in the tear-jerking closing scene. Also shining is Richard Belzer who has great chemistry with Lewis and the tensions between him and the SVU in how to deal with the case and Andrew were believable. Really liked that we see more of Munch here and that he gets some very illuminating development, and not just Andrew, his anger towards Stabler at one point was completely relatable and a lot of people would react similarly if something was said that was the catalyst for somebody doing something tragic (something that Stabler should have gotten more heat for).

Personally didn't have a problem with Connie Nielsen or with Beck, personally can understand why there are fans that are indifferent having been someone in that position for a while but Beck in my mind over-hated. There is nothing here that is on the same level of her interview scene in "Recall" and her over-zealousness is extreme, but it is hard to not identify with how she reacts to the case and the body. Always did admire Beck's determination and grit though, which Nielsen captured very well and always did. The chemistry between Nielsen and Christopher Meloni (on typically strong form) has some nice no-nonsense tension, though by Beck's last episode the relationship didn't really develop massively. Diane Neal had nice moments too and it was nice to see and hear phrases that sound so simple on paper be very memorable in delivery (i.e. "I guess I suck"). The SVU chemistry, whether harmoniously gelling or when clashing, is very well done.

With the exception of one scene, "Uncle" is well made visually, with slick and intimate yet never too claustrophobic photography. The music doesn't come over as too intrusive or melodramatic. The direction has momentum but also breathing space. The script is tight and thoughtful, especially all the dilemmas surrounding the treatment of Andrew. The story does have tension and a few shocks, certainly feeling like a 'Special Victims Unit' episode with a tailor made scenario for the team and a case of knowing who the perpetrator is but searching for how to catch them. It also has poignancy, especially everything with the medications. While hating what Andrew does, much of me just couldn't hate him and was very saddened about the position he was in.

In summary, very good. 8/10.
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