'He's strong! He's super gunky! He slimes through solid walls like some supernatural slinky!
9 May 2021
Having perfected the uniquely crowd-pleasing euphoria of dazzlingly acrobatic martial artistry, the prolific Shaw Bros studios turned their fight-hardened hands to more sinisterly strange, supernaturally schlocky fare! One of their more phantasmagorically off-beat offerings might arguably be 'The Oily Maniac' (1976). Director, Meng-Hua Ho's bulbously bonkers, gorgeously gelatinous splatter hybrid features the perversely primordial presence of the spectacularly sludge-slathered superhero, The Oily Maniac!

The goofily melodramatic plot has conniving lawyers, blithely murderous gangsters and their equally scurrilously, hard-faced molls meeting their justifiably oily end! The notoriously nutso narrative is softly centred with a sentimental, deeply felt, unrequited love affair betwixt kindly, polio-sufferer, Shen Yuan (Danny Lee) and his primly plutonic beau, Lin Chung Yue (Ping Chen). As Yuan's despair increases, enraged by the terrible injustices he witnesses, he fatefully succumbs to his vengeful rage! Using arcane magic, Yuan is subaqueously transformed from meek, physically disabled clerk into the triumphantly tar-tripping, villain vanquishing, ominously oozing, pan-dimensionally strange manifestation of 'The Oily Maniac'!!!

The satisfying bad guy bludgeoning, funky score, inventive in-camera trickery, and psychedelic eruption of outlandish practical effects make this awesomely oleaginous ooze-fest such a deliciously grisly, gunk-slinging terror treat! While not as demented as 'Black Magic' or 'The Mighty Peking Man', 'The Oily Maniac' remains a riotously compelling singularity in the explosive Shaw Bros canon of elite exploitation cinema. He's crazy strong, and super gunky! But take care, as he smells kinda funky!!! Super slick!! He's an underground superstar, drenched in black gold, he's looking wunderbar! Notoriously tricky, he slimes through brick walls like a supernatural slinky! Tough on crime! When Bad Guy's cross the line, he buries 'em in slime! Should your morality be slack, your evil skull he must crack, because he's the muck daddy, tar black Oily Maniac!

'In today's increasingly topsy-turvy world, it is long overdue for this slick, char-black champion of the weak and downtrodden to once again spring triumphantly out of the terminally toxic ooze! Transgressors be afeared!!! As The Oily Maniac shall darkly dispense his singularly slimy retribution upon the hateful heads of those morally noxious ne'er-do-wells responsible for our cities inexorable decline into terminal toxicity!'
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