Review of Wakefield

Wakefield (2021)
One of the best TV series in a long time
2 May 2021
This is an extraordinarily wonderful series that had me deeply involved from the first few minutes. Wonderful acting by the entire cast, great story line that is finely crafted with great nuance, and the humanity shines through as things unravel for our main character.

The metaphor of the jigsaw puzzle: people trying to put their lives back together, and the final piece that is needed to make you whole; is a strong and moving idea. The contest between the two leaders: the main character Nik, who leads through his humanity, versus Mandy who leads by control and manipulation, is a great side story and feeds into the overarching story of people's fragmented lives.

Some people seem to have found the jumping in timeline confusing. It took me an episode to get used to it, but once I understood that they were replaying the same scene from different points of view, it all made sense and I really liked the way the scene was so different for each of the characters. Just like real life.

I can't think of any criticism of this show. I hope there are more seasons, and we see more great shows like this in the future.
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