Dexter: Do You See What I See? (2012)
Season 7, Episode 11
Love or Betray?!
20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Dexter, one of the killers of his mother can go on parol. Dexter got interviewed by Matthews about The Bay Harbour Butcher. Debra interviews Arlene Schram about Hannah. Dexter planted evidence in a hangar. Matthews proved that Doakes is The Bay Harbour Butcher. Debra had a car accident, she took to much anxiety pills. Debra thinks that Hannah poisoined her. Angel wants to stop at the police on 1 January. Dexter, Harrison, Hannah and Jamie are celebrating Christmas together. Hannah says to Dexter that she has nothing to do with Deb's accident. Dexter strangled Estrada. LaGuerta is near Dexter, but there was only a chainsaw in this box. Estrada jumped in the water, Dexter also escaped. Hannah dissolved the pills into Deb's water, Hannah is responsible for her accident. Dexter gave Sal's pen to Debra as evidence to turn Hannah in. Hannah kisses Dexter. Hannah got arrested by Angel. Nice episode of Dexter Season 7, Dexter decided to betray Hannah for what she did. How will this event turn out in the last episode of Dexter Season 7?
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