Beyond Terror (1980)
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Auldron Films has put our four movies* and as far as I'm concerned, they're four for four.

Written and directed by Tomás Aznar, this Spanish biker/slasher/occult freakout thrilled me with every single frame. It starts with one of a group of robbers posing as a prostitute before she brutally knifes a man, then she joins three others to rob a bar.

Taking a middle-class couple hostage and holding out in the home of an old woman and her grandson, they act just like you'd expect a home invasion biker gang to behave, killing everyone in their path when they're not screwing in churches.

Before they kill her, the grandmother prays to Satan to destroy the bikers and from there on, they see ghastly visions of her dead grandson, you know, when they're not having sex and killing more people or being chased by Ossorio-like Templars through a desiccated chapel. Oh yeah - there's also supposedly a fortune guarded by those very same Blind Dead-ish mummies in the catacombs beneath the ruins.

It's packed with menace, gore, sex and meanness - exactly the kind of Eurohorror that always played well over here. It has that glorious shot on film soft darkness that I love so much, as well as drugs, shootouts and a final twenty minutes that are a delirious thrill ride.

Más allá Del Terror was never released ever in the United States until now and I have no idea why.

*American Rickshaw, Crime of the Black Cat and Abrakadabra are the other three.

PS - Fans of Warren Comics will spot the art that was lifted for the German VHS release. It's the Frank Frazetta cover of Vampirella #11.
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