Movie Explained ***spoilers***
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1. What is the movie about? From the very beginning the movie is telling you what it's going to be all about.

2, Where is he from? First the title tells you.

3, Where he came from? In the very first scene, the girl is reading a book. The title is, "Lost Worlds" (hint, hint). The next hint is, all the references to water - natural and salted. Obviously, he's from a lost world under the lake. One would think Atlantis, but he's adverse to salt water.

4. What does he/they want? His world is dying. Maybe there aren't enough females to breed. He/they want to breed. As he says some species need to adapt weirdly to an increasingly saltwater world. What better way that interspecies breeding.

5. How did he get that form? Like the lampreys, he's a leech that affairs to whatever he can latch onto.

6. The color red? He's attracted to the color for some reason. Maybe his world his red. Mom is actually a redhead. She dyed her hair. This is in the 3rd scene. The drive home. He mentions he sees red in the girl's hair later on when they're in the boat. He would know mom's a redhead (carpet and drapes).

Goofs: Two completely different species cannot breed. Even related ones (donkeys and horses) often give birth to infertile offspring. How does he wear mom's cooking? Doesn't she salt the food?
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