Review of Cluedo

Cluedo (1990–1993)
It's fun, but much inferior to "Whodunnit?" (1972-1978)
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As far as I know, the concept of a TV game show that's half a filmed murder mystery and half the actors in the studio, still in character, being interrogated by guest panelists is quite unique: it has only been done twice, by "Whodunnit?" (1972-1978) and by "Cluedo" (1990-1993). Having now seen both in their entirety, "Whodunnit?" is the far superior show. The chief reason for that: it demands genuine brainwork (composition, deduction and obervation), whereas "Cluedo" favors pure guesswork. Apart from the 1st episode, and maybe a couple of others, "Cluedo"'s idea of creating suspects is having a shot of each character holding each of the possible murder weapons, and that's it; the place of the murder seems to be chosen even more randomly. If I were more of a conspiracy theorist, I would say it's even suspicious that the panelists ALWAYS arrive at the correct conclusions with such scant clues in such a limited amount of time (25 minutes as opposed to "Whodunnit?"'s 40). The actors playing the suspects change in every season: ultimately every role gets nailed by an actor - just not necessarily in the same season! As for the panelists, they are supposed to be British celebrities of the early 1990s, but you probably have never heard of them, with a few exceptions (Jenny Agutter, Edward Fox). As "Whodunnit?"'s only companion piece "Cluedo" is still fun if you loved that show - it's just a pity it isn't better. **1/2 out of 4.
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