Grey's Anatomy: What Is It About Men (2011)
Season 8, Episode 4
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This if my first review on this website and I'm proud I can write it on this episode.

Even though Derek and Meredith are still estranged; this episode did some of the hottest men on TV proud. This episode wasn't amazing because of the plot, but because of the characters and the acting. Derek was charming for the first time in a while. Mark's sensitive and masculine sides mix perfectly well together. Jackson Avery finally feels like he's made the team. Alex has made up for ratting on Meredith and made me love him again. Chief (not anymore) Webber showed humbling humor. Hunt made me not want to kill him for an entire episode. Also Ben is back!

Mark showing up at Derek's deck building party to tell Avery to get in the car so Derek doesn't steal him away made me laugh until I cried, which was only made better by him cradling Sofia. Hunt punching out a stupid guy going on a rampage, and telling scheduling a surgery on a broken jaw right before hitting the rampaging guy was priceless. Derek bonding with all the men (the best looking men on TV, mind you) reminding me when he started bonding with the original Fab Five in the beginning seasons was refreshing.

The whole thing was REFRESHING.
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