Outlander: Je Suis Prest (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
A War Story with a Very Generic Feel
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a tough one for me, because Je Suis Prest really shows you how much Jaime has grown since the start of the series. In season 1, he was often treated as nothing more than a lackey for his uncle Dougal, and this episode you see how much more assertive he is in taking command of his army and refusing to let his uncle dictate to him how he will run his men. There are some very good moments, my favorite being Claire's narcissus speech to Dougal. It seems like he's deserved to be told off for two seasons now, so I'm happy to see that someone finally told him to get lost. And I think Claire's PTSD story is nicely told and benefits from the story that Outlander is telling. You see so many PTSD stories in modern media, but this one stands out for two reasons. First, the acting by Caitriona Balfe is understated. For example, when she's is being jolted by musket fire, you don't see her jumping around and grunting crazily like in other media. It feels like she is being ripped apart on the inside, jolted more and more by each blast. Second, is the element that is different in this war, the idea of fighting along side family and friends that you knew before the war. Angus, Rupert, Jaime, etc. are all people that Claire has known since early in season 1. Not only have they helped her in the past, but she has relationships with them outside of war.

But, the problem is ultimately that Je Suis Prest feels very generic, like its been done so many times before. The training montages, the PTSD, the squabbling of Commanders trying to take control of the army. It's a shame because there is baggage there that could make it unique and different from your standard army fare, it just really doesn't do it.
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