Well..... What Do You Expect?
17 February 2021
Alright, watch the trailer(which contains Chloe in underwear)! You'll get an idea of what to expect. Much to Cody's chagrin probably, I am gonna agree and say it is basically a softcore porn, you just can't pretend it isn't, if I say otherwise, people will get a bit of a shock and be disgusted, if you go in knowing what to expect, you can decide if you watch to watch it. Yes, it is essentially a silent film with almost no dialog, but I see that as an asset, and it sets it apart, the music is very well used and it is never boring. I enjoy his films, I have watched all but one, at the same time, I am never going to pull punches. No one can get better at their craft if we throw softballs in my reviews.

This is Cody's best film technically speaking(I'm not saying it's the best script-wise, Ramekin, The DVD, or Mute Date get that award), in terms of editing, sound is really good, lighting(no supplemental lighting used) is very good, the silent nature of the film is probably also one of the most compelling parts, it conveys a lot without saying almost anything. I would agree it is a comedy, it is absurdist, to say the least. It definitely is not meant to be taken at face value, so if you choose to watch this, then be aware of that, and don't take it literally.

Given that, I am going to have to say, I like the idea in and of itself(not the sex), it is clever, zany, and silly and original. I do get the subtext, it could be an analogy for a lot of things. I saw it as an allegory for abuse. I also felt like the Blurry Finger wasn't even real, it was like her interpretation of her bad and disintegrating relationship, by the end, this is the feeling I got from the film.

Unlike others, I don't think the movie overstays it's welcome, it is only 60 minutes, a couple of his other films clock in at about 100 minutes, I think the idea merits a feature-length film, . What I don't like about the length, is that about 30 minutes of this is essentially sex or rather a good portion, and yes, I had to skip some parts because I do not watch films with explicit sex, call me prude, but that is just how I am, it doesn't matter if it is with an alien blurry finger or normal humans. If that doesn't bug you, or sounds great, well, there you go! I am not marking the movie down based on that part of the film fyi, but focusing on it's overall content and execution, which I think is very well done.

I give Cody and Chloe props for making this in quarantine, I don't discount what they did, but that doesn't mean I think it is necessarily a great movie. The idea is A+, the technical aspects are great, but the execution of the story is wanting. So much more, even in the confines of the house could have been done with this, and still included some sex, so I am critical of the amount of run time the sex takes up, yes. There will be people who watch this just for the sex, and given this film hasn't been out long, and it has garnered more reviews than many of Cody's films, even if I don't like a lot of it, it has clearly struck a chord for better or worse, so there you go!
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