I guess they didn't like his trumpet playing!
10 February 2021
Race film' very light skin performers in band as well as the major players

"Mystery in Swing" is a so-called 'Race Film'...a movie consisting of black actors and designed to be shown in movie theaters catering to black audiences. For the most part, these films are cheap and poorly made...mostly because these tiny studios simply didn't have the resources to make better films.

What is interesting about this film and many other race films is that most of the major acting roles (as well as most of the band members) are played by very light-skinned black people. It tended to reinforce the 'lighter is better' notions of the day that not only white audiences but black audiences internalized as well. Sad...but a sign of the times.

The story is about a scumbag band leader, Prince Ellis. Ellis is a jerk and there are many, many people who would love to see him dead. Perhaps more want him dead than want him alive! The mystery is who did it...and how many times they did it! And, in addition to the mystery, there's plenty of big band music as the film is often set at a black nightclub.

So is it any good? Well, the music certainly is. And, the acting and professional look to the film is far better than usual for a race film. I'd probably stack this up to a typical Monogram or PRC release in regard to quality and enjoyability. And, like the Monogram or PRC films, some of the policemen in this mystery are incredibly dim and their 3rd degree sequence is unintentionally funny.
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