Disappointing, given the acting talent on show
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although there is a lot of acting talent in this dramedy, it is a plodding effort with little spark. Chris Haywood plays a grumpy old retired man who spends most of his time in his shed; and Wendy Hughes (in her last film) is his long-suffering wife, unfulfilled but with little idea of what to do about it. Their daughter and son-in-law (Susan Prior and Russell Dykstra) take the mother's side, and try to inject a bit of spark into their lives, but things go wrong when the mystery train goes to Greenhaven. It's all a bit flat with annoying characters, and dull dialogue, and too many obvious, knowing looks. Wendy Hughes' character is particularly uninteresting, a disappointing end to a good career. Chris Haywood tries his best, but he isn't given much to work with. Only the motor cycle sequence at the end adds a little interest to the story, but even this is very clumsy and unconvincing. Too serious for a comedy and too dull for a drama, though some critics seemed to like it.
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