It's a Sin (2021)
Excellent, unmissable drama.
22 January 2021
I haven't been able to switch it off, thank goodness for All4! Channel four and RTD, you have truly delivered here with this wonderful five part series. Sexy, funny, moving, sad, it has a bit of everything going on.

Despite all of the glitz and fun, there is a harshness that arrives like a knockout punch, how on Earth can something be so much fun, and then turn so bleak, what an astonishing mix.

I would highly recommend it, great characters, great stories, and the production values are off the scale, the really have managed to bring the 1980's back to life.

Russell T Davies, it breaks my heart that you aren't on hand to save Dr Who right now, but when you're making content like this, you keep at it.

I loved it! 10/10.
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