Review of Prosperity

Prosperity (1932)
The third and final of the Dressler/Moran comedies...
12 December 2020
... with the first two being "Reducing" and "Politics".

As in the others, Polly Moran and Marie Dressler play lifelong friends who fight like cats and dogs. Dressler is the more anchored and likeable one. Moran plays somebody you'd like to tie an anchor to and throw in the ocean. Her character is that obnoxious and snobby. But the contrast works. MGM didn't get comedy right very often in the 1930s - their specialty was drama - so this teaming was one of their rare hits in the comedy genre.

Dressler plays the president of a small town bank. Moran is one of her larger depositors, always thinking this entitles her to complain about this or that regarding the bank. The film opens on the year 1925 "when money talked and was on speaking terms with everybody" as Dressler's son John (Norman Foster) and Moran's daughter Helen (Anita Page) are about to get married. Dressler is going to retire and let John run the bank. And then comes the Great Depression with Moran withdrawing all of her money on a whim, causing a "run" on the bank, and ultimately causes the bank to close. These things happened in the Depression with people left without their life savings because there was no FDIC. Your average bank had zero protection for your savings. Without getting into the details of the plot, let's just say complications ensue.

I know that this doesn't sound like a comedy at all, but the secret to the Dressler/Moran comedies is that there is usually something very serious going on in the broader plot punctuated with lots of gags and broad physical comedy by the two leading ladies.

The odd thing about this film? The year before, over at Warner Brothers, Page and Foster played newlyweds in "Under Eighteen". There are lots of similarities - the two get married at the beginning of the film during the roaring twenties, then the Depression hits, then their marriage troubles rise with their monetary ones. And they weren't even the main characters. Did that have anything to do with them being reteamed here? Could be.
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