Albion Market (1985–1986)
Rotten Apple in the Barrel
30 November 2020
This is a good example of a show that tried hard, but failed. There was an obvious attempt to include ethnic minorities, but it backfired because all of them were cliches (with the possible exception of the Vietnamese car mechanic, since I have never actually met a Vietnamese Car Mechanic, I don't think that anybody in Salford has either). There was an attempt to make the market look realistic, but that backfired because many of the scenes contained the distraction of a huge number of extras, who were in some cases more interesting that the actual characters. There was an attempt at gritty story lines, and that too backfired because it gave the impression of yet another show about grumpy northerners.

And finally there was an attempt to liven up the show, by bringing in some newer more exciting characters. Yes that did work, but too late. FTR Helen Shapiro's character, brought in essentially as vintage totty, was the only character in the show who really did come across as being both believable, and likeable. Quite frankly I cared more about Viv's struggle to attract customers than I did about Carol & Jaz and their absurd inter racial relationship. The only time that I ever actually laughed out loud was when Raj, commenting about his younger brother Jaz opinioned "A young man like Jaz......", and Raj was only five years older! The problem was that line was supposed to be taken seriously.

A worthy failure, but a failure none the less.
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