Aerial America (2010– )
Political Bias Showing
29 November 2020
I recently watched Arkansas on Aerial America and was not surprised at the nod to Bill Clinton. However, Clinton's name, not Eisenhower's, was linked to the 1957 desegregation of Little Rock High School. Odd. Then we watched the segment about Texas. LBJ got mentioned, good. He should be. The show spent a lot of time on JFK, again, as should be. However, the Permian Basin was covered without mention of George Bush, 41. Mr. Bush was not in the script for College Station, home of his Presidential Library either. Nor was President Bush, 43, Governor of Texas, owner of Texas Rangers, or his Presidential Library in Dallas given a mention.

It seems to me that Republican Presidents do not make the highlight reel on the SMITHSONIAN CHANNEL.
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