Patria (2020)
A work of art
25 October 2020
I'm not usually a huge fan of Spanish TV but lately some amazing shows have surprised me, as is the case with this one.

I'm from Spain and although ETA (pro-independence Basque terrorist organization that killed over 800 people and terrorized the country for decades) was still active when I was born, it disbanded when I was young. I had read up on the conflict but it never learned about it in school, so I didn't know that much. This show counts on you knowing certain things, as it is not a story on ETA but the pain that the conflict caused on Basque society. If you're not familiar with the history you should read up on it before watching so you understand the show better, but it is completely worth it.

Not wanting to get into spoilers, the show tells the story from the perspective of two women who used to be friends and find themselves in different sides of the conflict. The acting is impecable, deeply moving, and gut wrenching. Everything about this show is a masterpiece.

Reading other reviews with low scores, some people mention that the show is biased or political, when that couldn't be further from the truth. The show doesn't get into politics whatsoever, instead chooses to show the pain and divide that the conflict caused, on both sides. Of course it doesn't paint ETA in a good way, after all they were terrorists, but it doesn't minimize the pain of the families of ETA members.

I would recommend this show to everyone, it is beautifully made show that shines a light on how much pain conflict causes.
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