TV Reader's Digest: I'll Pick More Daisies (1955)
Season 1, Episode 5
Sort of like "It's a Wonderful Life"....but with a strange message.
23 October 2020
When the story begins, Don (Richard Denning) is getting ready to work when his son wishes him a happy 50th birthday*. Soon, Don begins to wonder if life has passed him by. Later, on his way home from work he begins to talk to his alter-ego about wishing he'd taken more chances....and in each case you see a scenario played out where he might have taken the risk and how disastrous it would have been. In other words, the message seems to be to live your life and take no risks....which is a pretty terrible message. Taking SOME risks were never really addressed---only crazy ill-conceived ones. Overall, a rather preachy show that seems to have borrowed heavily from "It's a Wonderful Life" but which presents life in a rather black and white manner. The acting isn't bad...but the story is not written particularly well.

*Unless you have a brain injury or have been living on a desert island, how can anyone forget that they are about to turn 50? This really made no sense to me.
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