The Victim (2019)
Great Acting - Great Story - But 2 Episodes Too Long.....
22 October 2020
The acting is as great as you would expect with this cast. You will certainly go through a range of emotions for all of the main characters including, sympathy, disgust, anger, fear, and sadness which speaks to their ability to illicit these emotions.

The story is very well thought out and compelling. This is the classic tale of right and wrong and how each is subject to the fluidity of judgement not only of the perspective from which we are watching but also the circumstances surrounding each character as our perspective changes.....I'm trying to be spoiler free so my apologies for the ambiguity

The problem I have with this show is the ending: I have NO PROBLEM with endings that leave loose ends or that don't make you feel good. The problem I have with this story is the fact that so many of the characters that you have invested in simply have zero resolution or even "point" of being there at all. If you consider the main "police" character....what was his point....why was the storyline with his ex-wife even relevant....what did he actually "DO" to add to the story given how his character arc simply fizzled out without any meaning whatsoever?

If this was just ONE character it would be forgivable but there are at least 3 other characters who's entire purpose was meaningless based on how they ended this show.

It is like they ran out of money for the actors at the last second and cut to a pithy quote by RUMI hoping to leave you with a sense of "figure it out" when all you really felt was that this story dragged you along for two more episodes than necessary with character development for characters who ended up being meaningless and irrelevant.
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