Review of The Heirs

The Heirs (2015)
This Movie is worse than the Emoji Movie
10 October 2020
I have never seen a worse movie in my life, I was assigned to watch this movie as my Spanish homework. It was so boring, so stupid, so nothing that multiple times I just stopped and watched YouTube. This movie literally did not make any sense, had many plot holes and had 0 character development. Its so unmemorable, I only was able to memorize 2 of the characters names. The plot is just all over the place and many of the events don't even make sense, for example you see the main character lose his dog and get very sad about that, and then you see him kill his new dog at the end of the movie. Why? He was just sad about his other dog a day ago. They had this whole thing about moving to America, and they immediately dropped it. All the actions the character make are never explained and have nothing to it. There was a couple of useless sex scenes thrown in there too because you know every bad movie had to have that. This movie is the most bland cliche movie that has ever existed, even more so than the Emoji movie, at least that was so bad it made it interesting. The acting is trash, the writing is trash, the story is trash, everything about this movie makes me want to kill myself. If for whatever reason you're assigned to watch this movie as your homework, your best bet is to not to watch it and lose points, that's better than suffering in agony for a full hour by seeing this movie.
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