You and Me (1974–1992)
Pre-school Public Information
1 September 2020
Where do I begin with this? Oh yeah, I know hiding behind the sofa in abject terror just like my primary school self. The object of my fears? A demonic, gravel voiced black demon......otherwise known as Crow!

Alice, Crows hamster companion was lovely, a veritable Mother Theresa type when compared to that Crow! Each week as I listened from behind the sofa or if I was feeling particularly brave, watched through my fingers, our hosts presented a film about something mundane about oranges or shipping which was somehow riveting to us kiddiewinks (even more so to me as it kept that horrible Crow off the screen!) before Crow and Alice would wish us goodbye and just to add to my toddler terror Crow would stick his face right into the camera to bid us farewell. I was tempted to scream something in return but the specter of a good telling off and grounding from my mother mixed with fear of Crow always persuaded me otherwise!

Thankfully a few years later Crow and Alice ware pensioned off (Alice I hope relocated to a nice Hamster nursing home hopefully stacked up with Manuel's mistaken Hamster-Rat, Basil. Crow hopefully became one of those birds you see flattened to the nearest motorway) and in came a somewhat untidy Dragon named Duncan.

Now Duncan was much more Ian friendly, indeed to the point where I was happy to meet the snappy jawed fellow at Willis Ludlow in my hometown of Hull. Sadly my appreciation of Duncan saving me from Crow wasn't met by the BBC who gave poor Dunc' his marching orders to be replaced by the.......actually I haven't got a clue what they were all I know is they were called Cosmo and Dibbs.

Cosmo and Dibbs, for want of a better explanation were a brother and sister pair of alien monkeys from who knows where! Cosmo strangely going by the Geordie gravel voice she sported was a girl. One can only presume like most she had a 40 a day cigerette habit. Now what was unusual was her brother Dibbs a more timid, shy type was not a Geordie at all but rather a Cockney. Obviously Cosmo and Dibbs mother must have got around a bit although any rumors that she also gave birth to the Brummie Pig from Pipkins are unfounded!

Sadly in with our alien monkeys came a rearrangement of the theme tune provided by cod reggae cover band UB40 who I cared even less than Crow for. Still at least they didn't release the song and claim it as there own. That was left to everyone's favorite Mancunian rip off artists the Galllaghers who took the rather basic lyrics of the show and plonked them in the middle of their own even more basic lyrics and promptly had the hit single "She's Electric"

All in all You and Me was harmless pre-school fun unless you have a morbid fear of psychotic crows.......or UB40!Pre-school public information!
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