Review of Reborn

Reborn (I) (2018)
A Shocker!
31 August 2020
Reborn: Trashy horror in a good way, watchable but doesn't deliver as much as it seems to promise, maybe it's 70 minute running time is due to excessive editing. A stillborn baby, Tess, is reanimated by an electrical charge and is "adopted" by a weirdo morgue attendant Ken (Chaz Bono). The family are really strange, when 16 year old Tess (Kayleigh Gilbert) discovers she has electro-kinetic powers and kills the abusive Ken, the police find that Ken has kept his mother's mummified body in the house. Tess goes in search of her mother Lena who is played by the great Scream Queen Barbara Crampton. Lena is a fading actress who is trying to make a comeback. Tess leaves a rail of frazzled corpses as controls electrical devices, death by zapped hearing-aid, hacked car (Christine!) and lift. A few good shocks in more ways than one. This might have worked better as an episode of an anthology series as it's either too short or too long. Worth watching though, even has a homage to Carrie. Directed by Julian Richards and written by Michael Mahin. On the Horror Channel. 6/10.
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